What is the performance of WEIHONG NCstudio motion control system? | CNC-Controller.com

In general, the WEIHONG NCstudio motion control system is the most popular control system.

It has full 32-bit computing and multi-tasking powerful advantages and based on the Microsoft Windows operating system, performance is more stable. At the same time, it is easy to learn and operate. And, it is suitable for a variety of complex processing, cutting, engraving, advertising, and decorating industries.

The WEIHONG NCstudio motion control system has the following functions:

1. Basically, it can control three axes and even expand further. But the software may be a bit different.

2. It also supports digitally controlled rotation.

3. It fully supports the ISO standard HP PLT format and G commands and can be processed automatically.

4. It not only supports the control of the machine through the input device of the machine but also the keyboard and mouse of the computer. That is a manual operation.

5. It has the function of an array process, which can repeatedly execute the program to specify the number of rows and lines of the array.

6. It has an incremental feed function that makes it easier for the user to set the feed rate and has the flexibility to adjust the step length.

7. Of course, there is also the function of manual data input (MDI). Users can perform input online and even execute G commands immediately.

8. It has advanced processing instructions.

For example, the user can complete milling or drawing functions by entering multiple parameters.

9. Users can provide good support for diagnostic errors and failure recovery by setting the processing assignment to single-step mode.

10. Also, advanced automatic features: segmentation execution and breakpoint memory.

11. It controls the feed axis to accurately return to the origin.

12. It has an automatic calibration function.

13. There is also the ability to save/restore work. That is, it automatically saves information processed before the machine is powered off and resumes after a reboot.

That is, it automatically saves information processed before the machine is powered off and resumes after a reboot.

14. Users can adjust the feed rate online at any time: 0% to 120%.

15. Of course, its command connection speed is fast.

Because it uses a new special suitable processing speed prediction algorithm. The algorithm adjusts and determines the connection speed between the current instruction and the next instruction according to the amplitude, direction, maximum acceleration and the connection speed of the previous prediction function. This special feature greatly increases the processing efficiency (up to 300%).

16. It has a 3D simulation function display. By observing the results of the 3D process simulation through a simple operation, the user can achieve the result more accurately.

17. As above, the simulation function: it can quickly simulate the processing and completion time. At the same time, it is possible to check whether the processing program and the result meet the requirements, and can accurately calculate the actual processing time.

18. It has powerful and flexible keyboard support to meet the needs of users.

19. The system provides powerful logging capabilities to make detailed system diagnostics and check processing information.

20. What’s more, NcStudio has an internal processing file manager. You can manage the processing of any document within the file manager.

21. Also, an internal file editor. The user can edit the process through it.

22. Finally, it also has a powerful PCI motion control card.

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